I know for the very fact that the moment you(Nitish) see post you are going to freak out!! (Panic attack panic attack!). But Ah! chill now! It's ok! It's not really about you. Just a dedication!
There are times when you lose touch with who you are. Reasons could vary-sometimes it's your work, or your family, or you just don't feel right, or simply cause you are lazy! Whatever may be the reasons, you seldom seem to lose yourself in the chaos of the world around you. You get lost, in the sense that you lose touch with yourself and all that you believe makes you who you are. Its in these times that you look for an inspiration. A stimulus strong enough to help you break free! I have also had my ups and downs. Times that I honestly and from the bottom of my heart wish not to experience again. I am sure each of each of you reading this would have been through times you don't want to go through again!
Anyway, so what I wan't to share with all of you guys reading this right now is that the inspiration that we all want to, or rather wish to, seek is there somewhere. Generally we would look for our inspiration in people or stories or places, but seldom in objects. I remember this one exercise that I was made to do as a kid. I was given a sheet of paper with two columns drawn on it-one with words like pen, pencil, eraser, scale, needle, safety-pin, etc.,on it and the other column was empty suggesting quite obviously that I was meant to fill it. The heading read as follows: "And this is how it inspires me.." At first I was perplexed. I had no clue as to what I was to actually do. But then I slowly began to understand. Everything in this world has something one can take inspiration from. It does not matter then what you are getting inspired from is animate or inanimate. Even something as small as a pin has something you can learn from. I began to fill the empty column with what inspiration I would wish to take from each of the things in the list. At the end of the exercise I was amazed! However absurd this exercise felt, I did actually end up learning some of the biggest lessons of life. I, for example, learnt from a pencil how it is ok to make mistakes cause I know that I will have a chance to correct them with an eraser. From a photo frame I learnt how to cease moments in life. From my slippers I learnt to walk on roads of all kinds...etc., So now you know how it works. Try it out. Make a list of things that you use everyday, that have been an integral part of your life, and write beside it how it has inspired you or what you have learnt from it. And once you are done with that thank it for being so useful to you and contributing in making you who you are. I still don't disagree to the fact that this whole concept sounds absolutely absurd and mental! But whats the fun of learning without trying new concepts out, without experimenting! Everything is important as long as you see it's importance! This way there can be nothing 'insignificant'!
Why is this post named Nitish Bhagath. Well he was my source of inspiration (yea I know he is not inanimate! God seriously!! He inspired me to start writing again!) Thank you for tat :) !
PS: Another reason.. I was talking to you(Nitish) when I was writing this!! :P
There are times when you lose touch with who you are. Reasons could vary-sometimes it's your work, or your family, or you just don't feel right, or simply cause you are lazy! Whatever may be the reasons, you seldom seem to lose yourself in the chaos of the world around you. You get lost, in the sense that you lose touch with yourself and all that you believe makes you who you are. Its in these times that you look for an inspiration. A stimulus strong enough to help you break free! I have also had my ups and downs. Times that I honestly and from the bottom of my heart wish not to experience again. I am sure each of each of you reading this would have been through times you don't want to go through again!
Anyway, so what I wan't to share with all of you guys reading this right now is that the inspiration that we all want to, or rather wish to, seek is there somewhere. Generally we would look for our inspiration in people or stories or places, but seldom in objects. I remember this one exercise that I was made to do as a kid. I was given a sheet of paper with two columns drawn on it-one with words like pen, pencil, eraser, scale, needle, safety-pin, etc.,on it and the other column was empty suggesting quite obviously that I was meant to fill it. The heading read as follows: "And this is how it inspires me.." At first I was perplexed. I had no clue as to what I was to actually do. But then I slowly began to understand. Everything in this world has something one can take inspiration from. It does not matter then what you are getting inspired from is animate or inanimate. Even something as small as a pin has something you can learn from. I began to fill the empty column with what inspiration I would wish to take from each of the things in the list. At the end of the exercise I was amazed! However absurd this exercise felt, I did actually end up learning some of the biggest lessons of life. I, for example, learnt from a pencil how it is ok to make mistakes cause I know that I will have a chance to correct them with an eraser. From a photo frame I learnt how to cease moments in life. From my slippers I learnt to walk on roads of all kinds...etc., So now you know how it works. Try it out. Make a list of things that you use everyday, that have been an integral part of your life, and write beside it how it has inspired you or what you have learnt from it. And once you are done with that thank it for being so useful to you and contributing in making you who you are. I still don't disagree to the fact that this whole concept sounds absolutely absurd and mental! But whats the fun of learning without trying new concepts out, without experimenting! Everything is important as long as you see it's importance! This way there can be nothing 'insignificant'!
Why is this post named Nitish Bhagath. Well he was my source of inspiration (yea I know he is not inanimate! God seriously!! He inspired me to start writing again!) Thank you for tat :) !
PS: Another reason.. I was talking to you(Nitish) when I was writing this!! :P
ah!!! man! i feel like i can ask Manmohan to kiss my feet! :) thank you!!! BUt, trust me, i do not deserve all the praise.